Safe Guardian's
F-pentue - F-litter
Born: 24.02.2021
1 males + 2 bitches

 Kuvia pennuista - Photos of Puppies

Isä - Sire:                                                                                           Emä - Dam:
           Cheveyo of the Angelspirit for Safe Guardian's                              Safe Guardian´s Quite A Catch                         
HD A/A, ED 0/0, back LTV0, SP0 & eyes OK,                             HD A/B, ED 0/0, back LTV0 & eyes OK,
 MDR1 +/+, DM N/N, Mental tested +127                                     MDR1+/+, DM N/N, Mental tested +170


Safe Guardian's
Future King

HD A/A ED 0/0
Selkä LTV0 SP0
Silmät terveet
MDR1 +/+, DM N/N

Luonnetesti +125 pistettä

Knut's page


Safe Guardian's
Fetching Flirt

HD B/A ED 0/0
Selkä LTV0 SP0
DM N/N, MDR1 +/+

Luonnetesti +159 pistettä

Hera's page

Safe Guardian's
Full Of Power

HD A/B ED 0/0
Selkä LTV1 SP0
Silmät terveet
DM N/N, MDR1 +/+


Sukutaulu  -  Pedigree

Cheveyo Of The Angelspirit for Safe Guardian's Buffalo Blue Bertie Chubbyjax Shenzi Neon Wizard Bridgeview White Lion
Lanata Whispering Wind
Tanboree Fair Garavic Ferguson
Tanboree Skylark
Tanboree Classic Garavic Ferguson Kalbeshan Simba
Nora Vom Ohlenkopf
Mortoff Elka Mortoff Marcus
Gibfield Kessi At Mortoff
Atsila of the Angelspirit Reginahof's Amazing Snow King Andusty Kenjiro's Place Why Not White Alsatian Nikos
Elaycha Shadow of White Fang
Dingo Max Maguire
Why Not White Alsatian Chinou
Ghita Angelspirit from the Smooth White Joascha of the White Islanders Bianco Noris of the White Islanders
Axenia of the White Islanders
Herot's Breena Hospis Snowball
Precious Diamond Chookolingo
Safe Guardian's Quite A Catch Safe Guardian's King Himself Cortez Vom Eis Aldebaran vom Eis Olliver
Moonlight Sorsha Scatle Lazzo
Beautiful Beast V.H. Oekense Land Max Maguire Sir Max of Sherbrooke
Misstress Heidi of Sherbrooke
Amber van de Renessehoeve Iwan v.h. Jekschotshof
Pasja van´t Maalchap
Guardian-Angel Oldambt's Special Into Action Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng Hunther Barc Kann Schimmelpfeng
Juma Green Kann Schimmelpfeng
Oldambt´s Special Cracky Chelsey Majestics Navajo Scout
Modesty van Marcesth
Let'em-Talk Ardtalamcu Sneachda Bracken Warrior
Ardtalamcu Mettle
Ballynabola Blue Bayou At Gurneys Bobsleigh Blaster at Kazaura
Rosedust Blue Natilee by Ballynabola