Safe Guardian's
S-pentue - S-litter
Born: 17.09.2024
3 males + 2 female

Isä - Sire:
Emä - Dam:
Cheveyo of the Angelspirit for Safe Guardian's
Crystal Moon's Our Safe Guardian
HD A/A, ED 0/0,
back LTV0, SP0 & eyes OK, HD
0/0, back LTV1, SP0 & eyes
+/+, DM N/N, Mental tested +127 MDR1+/+,
DM N/DM, Mental tested +58
Safe Guardian's Serial Kisser
MDR1 +/+
Karma's page |

Safe Guardian's Smoke Without Fire
MDR1 +/+, Kivekset ok
Simo's page |

Safe Guardian's Something Special
MDR1 +/+
Safe Guardian's Shake The World
MDR1 +/+, Kivekset
Safe Guardian's Sofa Champion
MDR1 +/+, Kivekset ok
Sukutaulu - Pedigree
Cheveyo Of The Angelspirit for Safe Guardian'st
Buffalo Blue Bertie |
Chubbyjax Shenzi |
Neon Wizard |
Bridgeview White Lion |
Lanata Whispering Wind |
Tanboree Fair |
Garavic Ferguson |
Tanboree Skylark |
Tanboree Classic |
Garavic Ferguson |
Kalbeshan Simba |
Nora Vom Ohlenkopf |
Mortoff Elka |
Mortoff Marcus |
Gibfield Kessi At Mortoff |
Atsila of the Angelspirit |
Reginahof's Amazing Snow King |
Andusty Kenjiro's Place |
Why Not White Alsatian Nikos |
Elaycha Shadow of White Fang |
Dingo |
Max Maguire |
Why Not White Alsatian Chinou |
Ghita Angelspirit from the Smooth White |
Joascha of the
White Islanders |
Bianco Noris of the White Islanders |
Axenia of the White Islanders |
Herot's Breena |
Hospis Snowball |
Precious Diamond Chookolingo |
Crystal Moon's Our Safe Guardian |
Best kept Secret de la Azzurra |
Dos Blancos Roco |
Chacal do Vale do Iquiri |
Andy Do Vale Do Iquiry |
Meg do Rancho o Pastor |
Aikan Aixa de Blanco que Trabajan |
Alex de Blancanieves |
Cumba Eva de Al Jezzera |
Francesca de Lig-Ray Sakin |
Caleb de Lig-Ray Sakin |
Copo de las Montañas Nevadas |
Eileen Sasha de Blancos que Trabajan |
Blancos del Pinar Cleo |
Colt Rey de Blancos que Trabajan |
Thais de Blancos del Sur |
Synergy White Queen |
Utopia Thor Furie |
Cedargetter's Malachi |
Melke's Jungle Jack |
Inconnu Sheeba |
Margritte's Xena |
Kidd's Wolfgang |
Kidd's Unicorn Lady |
Bimbadeen Snow Doll |
Rosehill Zulu Warrior |
Crystal Gate Magic Talisman |
Eisenland Yivenchy |
Rosehill Daisy Doll |
Born to Win White Angel |
Coolabah Glamour Girl Mist |