Safe Guardian's
S-pentue - S-litter
Born: 17.09.2024
3 males + 2 female

Isä - Sire:                                                                                           Emä - Dam:
           Cheveyo of the Angelspirit for Safe Guardian's                              Crystal Moon's Our Safe Guardian                         
HD A/A, ED 0/0, back LTV0, SP0 & eyes OK,                             HD C/B, ED 0/0, back LTV1, SP0 & eyes OK,
 MDR1 +/+, DM N/N, Mental tested +127                                     MDR1+/+, DM N/DM, Mental tested +58


Safe Guardian's
Serial Kisser

DM N/N, MDR1 +/+

Karma's page

Safe Guardian's
Smoke Without Fire

DM N/N, MDR1 +/+, Kivekset ok

Simo's page

Safe Guardian's
Something Special

MDR1 +/+


Safe Guardian's
Shake The World

MDR1 +/+, Kivekset


Safe Guardian's
Sofa Champion

MDR1 +/+, Kivekset ok


Sukutaulu  -  Pedigree

Cheveyo Of The Angelspirit for Safe Guardian'st Buffalo Blue Bertie Chubbyjax Shenzi Neon Wizard Bridgeview White Lion
Lanata Whispering Wind
Tanboree Fair Garavic Ferguson
Tanboree Skylark
Tanboree Classic Garavic Ferguson Kalbeshan Simba
Nora Vom Ohlenkopf
Mortoff Elka Mortoff Marcus
Gibfield Kessi At Mortoff
Atsila of the Angelspirit Reginahof's Amazing Snow King Andusty Kenjiro's Place Why Not White Alsatian Nikos
Elaycha Shadow of White Fang
Dingo Max Maguire
Why Not White Alsatian Chinou
Ghita Angelspirit from the Smooth White Joascha of the White Islanders Bianco Noris of the White Islanders
Axenia of the White Islanders
Herot's Breena Hospis Snowball
Precious Diamond Chookolingo
Crystal Moon's Our Safe Guardian Best kept Secret de la Azzurra Dos Blancos Roco Chacal do Vale do Iquiri Andy Do Vale Do Iquiry
Meg do Rancho o Pastor
Aikan Aixa de Blanco que Trabajan Alex de Blancanieves
Cumba Eva de Al Jezzera
Francesca de Lig-Ray Sakin Caleb de Lig-Ray Sakin Copo de las Montañas Nevadas
Eileen Sasha de Blancos que Trabajan
Blancos del Pinar Cleo Colt Rey de Blancos que Trabajan
Thais de Blancos del Sur
Synergy White Queen Utopia Thor Furie Cedargetter's Malachi Melke's Jungle Jack
Inconnu Sheeba
Margritte's Xena Kidd's Wolfgang
Kidd's Unicorn Lady
Bimbadeen Snow Doll Rosehill Zulu Warrior Crystal Gate Magic Talisman
Eisenland Yivenchy
Rosehill Daisy Doll Born to Win White Angel
Coolabah Glamour Girl Mist