Valkoinenpaimenkoira uros - White swiss shepherd male

Safe Guardian's The One Who Can't Be Forgotten "TinTin"

Synt. - Born: 13.10.2024  l  Kasvattaja - Breeder: Juottonen Tiina  l  Omistaja - Owner:  Juottonen Tiina

Terveystulokset - Health facts:
Lonkat - HD
Kyynärät - ED
Selkä  - Back
Silmät - Eyes
DM N/N (terve/healthy)
MDR1 +/+ (terve/healthy)

Sukutaulu  -  Pedigree

Abuh Paidi Tou Lupa Elorah Sapphire Lad Elorah Kari's Kobber Whitemile Akira White Buffalo Storm
Whitemile Destiny
Elorah Catalyst Kyanjuwa White Kayne
Sandy Von Munns
Britton's Penny La Raj Dreamboy Karlsson's Celti
Shannondore Asoka
La Raj Diamond Dove Rosehill Black Ice
La Raj Zara Pupcake
Yora Paidi Tou Lupa Non Stop For The Joy Of Life Ehran Van Suthwalda Flash McQueen des divines folies bergère
Chico van Suthwalda
Bonita Aylen von den Weissen Wupper Wölfen Baby Baron du Bois des Ternes
Gha Shania vom Kofelort
Safe Guardian's Zapphire Snowfire Gems A'Sherlocks VII Sens Avathar Lothian Kann Schimmelpfeng Igor White Memphis Kann Schimmelpfeng Anke Memphis Kann Schimmelpfeng
Bianca Schimmelpfeng Barcelos
Gaya Reine Kann Schimmelpfeng Apollo Reine Kann Schimmelpfeng
Lourdes Maria Kann Schimmelpfeng
7C's Fire Queen Platin For TNT Regalwise Platinum Prince Regalwise Kruger
Regalwise Irene
Angelic's Lucky Charm of Eclipse Eclipse's Big Money
Peannete's Pyramid of Echoes
Purple Rain P'tits Loups d'Amour Mah Marocq of Easy White Hamarocq P'tits Loups d'Amour Voila Gazon Junior du royaume des Crocs Blancs
Chérie Perly Vom Sutumer Grund
Glover Gold de la Divine Blanche Ethan Eus Messaerien Ar Gwenn male
Easy de la Divine Blanche
Royal Talula Tumbledown's Super Sonic Reeves Royal Angus von Tasz
Phoenix of Tumbledown
Royal Take it to the Limit Regalwise Unrivaled
Royal Day Of Providence